This is a bit different from what we normally post but we're just as excited to be able to share it. Live Sets Chicago teamed up with Chicago's Energy Productions to bring you the Chicago leg of Roland's "AIRA House" Originators Series Artist Panel discussion at The Primary Nightclub from this past January. This series brings together Roland's "AIRA Crew" (artist reps and technicians) as they speak to the host cities artists in a panel style setting and asks them about their certain styles and history in Dance Music. They discuss what drove their pioneering spirt, experimental attitudes and how classic Roland production instruments like the TR-909 and TB-303 shaped what and how they produce'd and shaped Dance Music as a whole.
This panel featured Chicago's pioneers, producers and DJ's Jesse Saunders, DJ Hyperactive, Roy Davis JR, and Gene Hunt. Everyone gave their backgrounds, histories and how they're using Rolands new equipment both in their studios and or while performing live. Those in attendance were also able to try out the new "AIRA" line of equipment that's bringing classic Roland production equipment like the TB-303 and TR-909 to a new generation and as they say that can either break artists free from computers and software based music programs as stand alone pieces or integrate them with what they already have in the studio or let their creativty be spontaneous during live performances.
There were also many fellow Chicago DJ's and producer's in attendance during the panel and that had stayed for the event after the panel such as Wyndell long, Vincent Floyd, DJ Mazi, Frankie Vega, Rees Urban, Lothario Lee, Charles Matlock, Rob Threezy, Herb J, Phil Free Art, MircoDot and DJ He Man IS. The panel went over an hour and it wasn't nearly long enough to really get in depth on everything but from what I hear, Roland might be considering doing other events here in Chicago with different hands-on workshops and longer in-depth sessions with different artists and producers since this one had such positive feedback afterwards.
If you haven't already, Click on Live Sets Chicago or like our tab at the top right corner of this blog to keep up to date with what we have trending on our Facebook page. Get links to other DJ mixes, view classic and current party flyers and event links for shows we are supporting and or recording. And of course check out all of these artists personal sites links where high lighted or in bold for more info on what they've got coming up, tour dates and be sure to support what they do. After all, If it were not for the artists, none of these posts would have been possible.
Hope this finds you all well.
Special thanks to Roland, Primary Night Club and Lou Green from Energy Productions for the use of the video.
For more info on video production or editing, contact: Lou Green for more info.
© Live Sets Chicago. 2015.